Tuesday, May 24, 2016

No. 11 (Read in this order) Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 Chapter 2, Pages 76 - 86


The importance of the Tunguska meteorite is it simulated what happened in the fossil record during the Flood at the KT boundary. This meteorite exploded in the air and only left microscopic rare element traces similar to the KT Boundary. NASA/Astrophysics data system confirmed this in a published paper:

Nanodiamonds and Carbon Spherules from Tunguska, the K/T Boundary, and the Younger Dryas Boundary Layer Wittke, J. H.; Bunch, T. E.; West, A.; Kennett, J.; Kennett, D. J.; Howard, G. A. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #PP31D-1392

“Firestone et al. (2007) and Kennett et al. (2008, 2009) proposed that these markers resulted from a cosmic impact/airburst and impact-related biomass burning. Here we report features common to the YDB event, the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) impact, and the Tunguska airburst of 1908. In sediments attributed to each event, we and other researchers have recovered NDs either inside or closely associated with CS, which appear to be the high-temperature by-products of biomass burning. CS range in diameter from about 500 nanometers to 4 millimeters with a mean of ~100 microns, and they typically contain NDs, including lonsdaleite (hexagonal diamonds), in the interior matrix and in the crust. To date, CS and NDs have been found in the K/T layer in the United States, Spain, and New Zealand.”

Very interesting, they confirm my theory that there was both air burst and ground impact, which I believe were multiple impacts. Diamonds are sometimes found in carbonaceous condrite meteorites. And microscopic diamonds are created by pressure on carbon commonly found in these carbonaceous meteorites.


The asteroid’s fireball created huge amounts of burned charcoal in the fossil record associated with huge fires. I have commonly found charcoal wood at many marine fossil sites in California. Here is another reference to burning vegetation found in the fossil record at the Paluxy River Cretaceous dinosaur track and bone site near Glen Rose, Texas.

Here is the original account:

"I was looking for more tracks around what is commonly called the number two crossing, a section of the river, adjacent to the Robert Mack farm, where there are many dinosaur tracks. In the same formation as the dinosaur tracks, about 200 meters [218.6 yd] downstream from them, we found a charred branch from a tree embedded in the Cretaceous rock. The branch was about 2 inches [5.08 cm] in diameter and 7 feet [21.34 dm] long. It had apparently fallen into the soft mud-like material which later became limestone; and, while the branch was burning, it had quickly been buried, but had continued to smolder for some time, thus being converted into charcoal, and had remained when the mud hardened into limestone."—Fredrick P. Beierle, "A New Kind of Evidence from the Paluxy," in Creation Research Society Quarterly, September 1979, p. 87. This is also quoted in the book Ancient Man.

The Planetary Science Institute is a Non-profit research organization based in Tucson, Arizona, focusing on planetary science published an article in 2013 that states in The Impact that Wiped Out the Dinosaurs, Web page designed by W. K. Hartmann and Daniel C. Berman web site psi.edu confirms an impact did wipe out the dinosaurs and gives a list of evidence:

1.     The iridium excess in the 65 My-old soil layer has been confirmed at many points around the world.
2.     The same soil layer contains grains of quartz that were deformed by high shock pressures, as would occur in a giant explosion. (The deformation is a microscopic structure called "twinning," in the crystals).
3.     The same soil layer contains enough soot to correspond to burning down all of the forests of the world. This suggests that massive fires were touched off at the time of impact.
4.     The same soil layer, especially around the Gulf of Mexico, contains massive deposits of tumbled boulders, as would be generated in a
5.     large tsunami, or "tidal wave." The geographic distribution of tsunami deposits suggest the impact was in the Caribbean area.
6.     After a decade of searching, scientists in 1990 identified the crater associated with this material. It is no longer visible on the surface of the Earth, but is buried under sediments. It straddles the coast of Yucatan. It is revealed by mapping the strength of the gravity field over that area, and by drilling; it has been dated to 65 million years old.

Many new craters are being found buried deep in the earth. This is no surprise, because all solid bodies in the solar system have massive amounts of craters, therefore earth has them too.


An interesting observation. Astronomers never mention the fact that there are huge craters on the moon that can be seen without a telescope, with the naked eye. They appear as dark areas called seas, these are created by flood basalt flows caused by huge asteroid impacts. Take a look at a photo of the moon. Notice the huge round areas almost the size of half the United States filled with basalt lava. Notice the craters with explosion lines crossing half the surface of the moon. If any of these had hit earth it would have been larger than the Cretaceous Chicxulub Crater. Yet they are common on the moon and other planets and their satellites. This is because the earth had a worldwide flood that erased and/or buried these craters created just before and during the Flood. Tektite strewn fields are associated with impacts after the Flood because they are all deposited on the surface.

 Notice the huge dark circles. These are huge craters filled with basalt.
 Masses of creates everywhere, except for those buried in lava flows.
 Notice the marks caused by lava flowing out of craters.
 Volcanism on the Moon By Robert Wickman
Current Volcano Activity Reports, Find Volcanoes, Lessons and Educator Resources: Learn about Volcanology, Frequently Asked Questions...

Evolutionary astronomers believe volcanism on the moon occurred 3 to 4 billion years ago when they assume the solar system formed and was produce by the largest impacts of asteroids unlike volcanoes on earth which they claim are caused by movement of continental plates and upthrust mountains. On the moon basalt oozes out of huge craters, on earth from mountain ranges. The last occurred about 1 billion years ago they claim. Since then there has been no volcanic activity on the moon. However, there have been 28 large shallow moon quakes up to 5.5 on the Richter scale recorded between 1972 and 1977 by Apollo seismographs, there cause unknown because evolutionists assume the moon is volcanically dead. I have heard that some hot lava has been seen on the moon by amateur astronomers, but has not been verified. I believe this indicates that the moon is still hot inside, but there have not been any large impacts to release it. And it indicates the moon is not as old as they claim, and they are not willing to admit that.
This seems to match what we see on earth. Huge impacts followed by many more smaller ones. These impacts, if you believe the Bible occurred on the moon and earth within the last 5 thousand to 4 thousand years.

I believe that if the moon has been visited in the past by aliens, or by man they would leave trackways like those left by our astronauts. An astronaut I know personally told me they looked for tracks, but there were none. I believe him. However, I believe it is possible that man may have reached Mars and the Moon thousands of years ago before and after the Flood, and they would have left tracks and artifacts. I think if there is anything left on these planets they were buried in the massive impacts and eruptions at the time of the Flood and afterward in the time of Babel.

 The tracks of boulders are seen on the moon. I suggest that this indicates moon quakes. there is no atmosphere or weather to cause this. Tracks here will last for centuries.
 Here are the tracks of our astronauts and their vehicle.


In spite of the massive material from volcanic eruptions in the fossil record the volcanoes themselves are missing like the meteorite craters on earth, and is puzzling to evolutionists. I believe this goes along with the fact that there are no valleys or large uneven land surfaces found in the geologic record. There are some rivers and small depressions caused by flowing water where there are breaks called unconformities and you can see surface features like tracks and massive death layers like in the shale fish fossil beds.

 These are from the Post-Flood Green River Formation Eocene strata in Wyoming. They are found in death layers.
 Geology.com says these were found in  mass death layers in Green River shale.

But there are no large canyons like we see today at the Grand Canyon and other places.  There are no mountains or plateaus. Most of the geologic records surfaces are almost dead level. This proves the geologic record is not a record of millions of years of history, but rather one long worldwide catastrophic event.

 Would sediment be deposited flat for millions of years? Do you see any missing surface for millions of years here? Does this indicate this was a slow deposit, or a rapid deposit over a short time. Remember sediment must be carried by rapidly moving water.


As for the 1908 explosion in Tunguska it released 10 to 20 megatons about 2 miles above the earth. It exploded in the atmosphere like most comets and carbonaceous chondrite stony meteorites. A paper published by NASA Ames Research center in Moffet Field California department of physics and astronomy University of Wisconsin by researchers Christopher F. Chyba, Paul J. Thomas, and Kevin J. Zahnle tell us, possibility that a similar meteor could once again enter Earth's atmosphere, but this time, land on a populated area. The result would be catastrophic.


Since I wrote the above report, another meteorite did hit close to the same area as the one in 1908! My article in my Internet newsletter Biblical Science News at Yahoo Groups says,

A meteor the size of a bus exploded in the atmosphere over the Russian Urals city of Chelyabinsk Friday, February 15, 2013, terrifying thousands with blinding light flashes and powerful sonic booms that shattered windows, damaged buildings, and caused injuries. Over 1,000 people were injured and hundreds of houses and buildings were damaged by shockwaves generated by the explosion, mainly due to flying glass and debris.”

The meteor was formed of chondrite breccias, with a stony composition common to most of the stony meteorites (siderite) that land on Earth, according to an initial chemical analysis by Russian scientists. Siderites are more common that iron (aerolite) meteoroids in space, but more aerolite iron make it to the earth’s surface, because they do not breakup as much, or have volatiles in them causing them to explode like atomic bombs. This meteor exploded equivalent to 30 Hiroshima atomic bombs.

 The Chelyabinsk Meteor.

 One of the many meteorite fragments.

Fragment showing the fusion crust and interior on the left.

 The crater formed by the main mass in a frozen lake.

news.nationalpost.com/ Richard Gray, The Telegraph | 09/08/13

Researchers have analyzed the path of the meteor and have traced it to a 656ft wide asteroid called 2011 EO40. This asteroid regularly crosses the path of the Earth as it orbits the Sun and is considered a potential danger. The asteroid is breaking apart, caused by gravitational stress from the planets and the Sun, or because of a collision by another asteroid.

Asteroids sometimes collide creating meteorite brecha, rough broken pieces. These kind of meteorites show cracks in them from an impact in space.

A NASA publication below says the, Chelyabinsk meteorite was a carbonaceous chondrite like the ones that hit in 1908, the one that hit during the Younger Dryas Boundary Layer during the Post-Flood Pleistocene dated at 13 thousand in Carbon-14 years (Post-Flood corrected to about 4 thousand from the creation viewpoint). It appears we may have a discovery here. Another asteroid impact may have been the cause of another worldwide catastrophe after the Flood which caused a sudden worldwide drop in temperature, then 13 hundred years later a rapid rise in temperature. I have considered this but have not found any evidence till just now this minute.


Here is the reference to this Pleistocene Post-Flood Dryas event:
NASA/Astrophysics data system Nanodiamonds and Carbon Spherules from Tunguska, the K/T Boundary, and the Younger Dryas Boundary Layer Wittke, J. H.; Bunch, T. E.; West, A.; Kennett, J.; Kennett, D. J.; Howard, G. A. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #PP31D-1392
This is a follow up posting to Younger Dryas -The Rest of the Story! Guest post by Don J. Easterbrook Dept. of Geology, Western Washington University.
“The Younger Dryas was a period of rapid cooling in the late Pleistocene 12,800 to 11,500 calendar (Note: According to evolution) years ago. It followed closely on the heels of a dramatically abrupt warming that brought the last Ice Age to a close 17,500 calendar years ago, lasted for about 1,300 years, then ended as abruptly as it started.  The cause of these remarkably sudden climate changes has puzzled geologists and climatologists for decades and despite much effort to find the answer, can still only be considered enigmatic.”
I have been seeking information on this anomalous Post-Flood catastrophic event too. What caused the sudden extinction of Pleistocene mammals froze tropical mammoths in Alaska and Siberia, formed the ice caps, caused mountains to rise, buried mammals in gravel all over the earth, caused men’s life spans to drop by 1/3rd, caused tidal waves, and separated the continents over 300 years after the Flood? It has disturbed me that some creationists insist that this is part of the Flood event, or directly after the Flood. Geology, Archaeology, and the Bible prove this is false. But what caused the cataclysm, and what kind of cataclysm? The above quote continued below.
“The Younger Dryas interruption of the global warming that resulted in the abrupt, wholesale melting of the huge late Pleistocene ice sheets was first discovered in European pollen studies about 75 years ago. Terrestrial plants and pollen indicate that arboreal forests were replaced by tundra vegetation during a cool climate. This cool period was named after the pale yellow flower Dryas octopetella, an arctic wildflower typical of cold, open, Arctic environments. The Younger Dryas return to a cold, glacial climate was first considered to be a regional event restricted to Europe, but later studies have shown that it was a world-wide event. The problem became even more complicated when oxygen isotope data from ice cores in Antarctica and Greenland showed not only the Younger Dryas cooling, but several other shorter cooling/warming events, now known as Dansgaard-Oerscher events.”
It appears that the scientists are reluctant to see a connection between the carbonaceous chondrite impact during the Dryas Post-Flood period and the sudden drop in temperature.

Viktor Grokhovsky, a professor at Ural Federal University and member of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Meteorites, led an expedition to retrieve remnants of the meteor that survived the plunge through Earth’s atmosphere. Grokhovsky says that the fragments his group analyzed at the university contain magnesium-rich chrysolite and sulfite, and are about 10% iron/nickel alloy. His group plans further analyses to fully characterize the meteorites.

The 10,000-ton meteor was 55 feet across and is the largest reported since the 1908 Tunguska meteor strike in Siberia.


And this is not all. Here is another. I have some pieces of this meteorite. They look like shrapnel, or damaged iron bullets. Norton, O. Richard says,

Sikhote-Alin is an iron meteorite that fell in 1947 on the Sikhote-Alin Mountains in eastern Siberia. Though large iron meteorite falls had been witnessed previously and fragments recovered, never before in recorded history had a fall of this magnitude been observed.[1] An estimated 70 tonnes of material survived the fiery passage through the atmosphere and reached the Earth.[2]

1. Norton, O. Richard (1998). Rocks From Space. Missoula, Montana: Mountain Press. p. 103. ISBN 0878423028. 2. Norton O. Richard; Chitwood, Lawrence A. (2008). Field Guide to Meteors and Meteorites. London: Springer-Verlag. p. 47. ISBN 9781848001572.


Evolutionists speculate that grass evolved and began to cover the earth about 40 million years ago sometime in the Eocene after dinosaurs became extinct for 25 million years. They claim grass is an Index fossil identifying the Cenozoic. This contradicts the Bible which says God created Leviathan and Behemoth in the beginning among the cattle, with grass.
Genesis 1:24

“24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. 25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

Job 40:15

“Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee;
he eateth grass as an ox.”

He created them all to eat only plants because the soil was so rich it produced all elements that an organism would need. After the fall it became depleted and some animals became carnivores due to this as well as their fallen nature. In the Garden of Eden there was no death, or disease. Our depleted soils make it necessary to take vitamin/mineral supplements. An herbalist once said, If you don’t take supplements in the proper amounts, you will not live long. I have proven this personally. And that God’s herbs heal, when man’s drugs fail and have side effects.
Man was told to eat meat after the Flood, because the soil had become poorer by being leached during the Flood causing the oceans to become enriched in minerals. This is what it means when it says God cursed the ground. This is why we have to take supplements; it also explains why kelp is as valuable as a fertilizer and as a supplement.

Kelp is not a plant it is identified as eukaryotic algae. Like the Duckbilled
platypus which is not related to anything we know of but has characteristics of reptiles, birds, mammals, amphibians. This is further evidence that things did not evolve from a common ancestor but were created individually by a common designer.


Dinosaurs were created among the cattle which eat grass. Evolutionists claim that grass appeared after they became extinct. But the Bible is always found to be correct when science disagrees with it.

“11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.”

The American Association for the Advancement of Science published Dinosaurs Dined on Grass in their journal Science by Dolores R. Piperno and Hans-Dieter Sues 18 NOVEMBER 2005 VOL 310 Page 1126 found at www.sciencemag.org

“However, the possible coevolution of grasses and dinosaurs has never been studied. Now, Prasad et al. (1) report on page 1177 of this issue their analysis of phytoliths—microscopic pieces of silica formed in plant cells—in coprolites (fossil manure) that the authors attribute to titanosaurid sauropods (Note: Sauropod/Behemoth) that lived in central India about 65 to 71 million years ago. Their data indicate that those dinosaurs ate grasses.”

I believe that Satan spoke to Eve as a dinosaur not a snake. Genesis states that all animals were created during creation week and the only place that dinosaurs fit is where it refers to the creation of cattle. This is not surprising since it says they were all created to eat plants at first. So evidence of Satan possessing a dinosaur which ate grass is found in Genesis 3:14:
“14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all CATTLE…”


The Bible says people lived an average of 900 years, and the earth was a perfect tropical paradise. 

The Bible indicates the Pre-Flood world had what some have called a vapor canopy. This has been disputed because some claim the collapse of this canopy could not cause a worldwide flood covering the highest mountains. The collapse of the canopy did not cause the Flood, it only cause the 40 days and forty nights of torrential rain. It was the opening of the fountains of the deep, water stored in the earth under pressure that raised the ocean levels and caused continent crossing tidal waves. The canopy vapor or whatever it was only protected the earth from harmful radiation from space that reduced life spans and changed the weather and increased the atmospheric pressure with greater amounts of oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. Evidence indicates that both the canopy and fountains of the deep were destroyed or damaged by explosions and impacts of asteroids, as well as geysers from the burst subterranean water reservoirs.
Since we know that the Mesozoic strata were formed at the end of the Pre-Flood world we can seek the evidence there. Evolutionary paleontologists have claimed there must have been lots of diseases among the dinosaurs, however if the Bible is correct living things would be more healthy:

Dr. Bruce M. Rothschild professor of medicine at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine and professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Akron; also a research associate at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History and the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History tells us in an article in Scientific American October 21, 1999 Do we know anything about the kinds of diseases that affected dinosaurs?:

"The most famous claim of disease in dinosaurs relates to osteoarthritis, previously referred to as degenerative joint disease. This claim was the precipitating factor for my entry to the fascinating field of paleopathology. Researchers routinely asserted that osteoarthritis was common in dinosaurs, and I simply wanted to illustrate a lecture. My search and x-ray studies failed to identify a single example, until I saw the famous fossils of an Iguanodon herd in Brussels. Two herd members had osteoarthritis of the ankle. To date, they are the only identified dinosaurs that show signs of osteoarthritis.”

"The question of what diseases affected dinosaurs is an intriguing one. Actually, dinosaurs may have been healthier than people are today. As far as we can tell from the fossil record, disease was relatively rare among most dinosaurs.”

Rothschild tells us diseases were rare, broken bones were also rare; wounds were more common especially among the carnivorous theropods. This is exactly what the Bible indicates.

This atmospheric shield made a more favorable environment for life before the catastrophe. This explains the huge amount of plant material in coal deposits; plants were carried then dropped by moving water forming massive coal deposits with few contaminants. Like the pure salt deposits, diatomite, etc. which only happens in catastrophic flooding under un-natural conditions. If these were deposited over millions of years, or even tens of years they would be mixed with all kinds of sediment and would not be so massive and pure. This proves sorting of material over a wide area over a short time. In fact the fossil record is made up of water deposited sediment, which has to be carried by rapidly moving water, which is deposited when it slows down. Almost all fossil deposits are made up of sediment, the word sediment itself means water deposited.

The atmospheric shield also makes radioactive dating inaccurate; it causes radioactive dating to give older dates than they really are. They measure the difference between the parent element and its daughter element it deteriorates into. The problem is the assumed daughter element may have been re-deposited from elsewhere, or it was created and did not come from radioactive breakdown, and the water catastrophe ignored by evolutionists contaminated the samples.

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