Dinosaur National Monument is a typical example of the Jurassic Morrison Formation. The first-time visitor to the Visitor Center in Utah's Dinosaur National Monument is stunned by the sight of the massive pile of partially articulated dinosaur skeletons in an upturned vertical slab of rock. The quarry face is the best insitu dinosaur display in the world. This tangled long jam of dinosaur bones represents a typical deposit of dinosaur bones. This Jurassic deposit goes from New Mexico to Canada, just like other formations of the Cambrian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Cretaceous, stretch across the United States like tidal impacts in a rainbow arch effect. The Morrison Formation alone covers about 700 thousand square miles.
This is a typical rainbow colored volcanic ash Jurassic Morrison Formation site. Notice the flat strata.
This is Carnegie Quarry now called Dinosaur National Monument. Carnegie got some of his dinosaur exhibits for his Carnagie Museum in Pittsburgh in support of the Darwinian conspiracy as described in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in preparation for the theistic evolution of the Antichrist.
We A log jam of dinosaur bones carried by the Flood waters invading the land in a tidal impact.
A Camarasaurus skull one of the largest dinosaurs as described in the Bible as Behemoth.
Unlike Mesozoic Flood deposits we do not find Cenozoic Post-Flood fossils producing arch deposits, they are found scattered at random sites always near the surface never in deep deposits like dinosaurs.
The Brushy Basin
member of the Morrison Formation is mainly silica-rich rhyolitic volcanic ash (which produces the rainbow colors from minerals)
representing explosive volcanism on a huge scale. Technical papers by establishment
paleontologist’s state, three products of explosive volcanoes dominate the
Brushy Basin Member of the Morrison Formation:
“…discrete tuff
beds up to 20 inches thick containing up to half-inch-diameter volcanic
fragments accumulated from air-fall ash. Turner, C. and Fishman, N., 1991,
Jurassic Lake T’oo’dichi’: a large alkaline, saline lake, Morrison Formation,
eastern Colorado Plateau: Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol.
103, pp. 538–558.) (2) reddish or greenish, fine-grained, altered volcanic ash redposited
by water in massive beds, 14.”
(Wahlstrom, E., 1966, Geochemistry and petrology of the Morrison
Formation, Dillon, Colorado: Geological Society of America Bulletin,
vol. 77, pp. 727–740.) and (3) pebbles of volcanic tuff and chert some over one inch diameter
dispersed through the water-worked sandstone accounts for over 50% of the
470-foot-thick Brushy Basin Member at DNM.15 (Bilbey,
S., 1992, Stratigraphy and sedimentary
petrology of the Upper Jurassic-Lower
Cretaceous rocks at Cleveland-Lloyd
Dinosaur Quarry with a comparison to the Dinosaur
National Monument Quarry, Utah:
Ph.D. dissertation, University
of Utah, 280 pp.) A staggering
quantity of volcanic materials, estimated at more than 4,000 cubic miles
(Turner, C., and Peterson, F., 1992, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the
Morrison Formation in Dinosaur National Monument, Utah and Colorado: Annual
Report of the National Park Service (unpublished), contract #CA-1463-5-0001, in
cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, 80 pp. & Life Magazine, September 1953.) Area
of Brushy Basin
volcanism exceeds 120,000 square
miles in eastern Utah, northeastern Arizona, northern New Mexico,
western Colorado, and southern Wyoming. Thickness of volcanism averages about 200 feet
through this area.”
Since there is so much evidence that the
dinosaurs, other animals, and plants became extinct because of worldwide
massive volcanic eruptions and floods, why do secular paleontologists claim
they don’t know what happened? It is because this evidence would support the
Biblical worldwide catastrophe theory. They are being forced to support
atheistic philosophy (See The Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion), “as a fact of science.” It is the only thing that is considered an
absolute in this interpretation of ‘science.’ I will explain and prove their
political purpose for doing this later. Here is what the atheists believe. Some
of the signers of the Humanist Manifesto included Edwin H. Colbert a leading
paleontologist for the Natural History Museum of New York. As well as Carl
Sagan and Stephen J. Gould. Arthur C. Clark, Francis Crick, Eugenie Scott etc.
Humanism is best described by the Humanists themselves in Humanist
Manifesto I in 1933 from the American Humanist Association:
FIRST: Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created.
SECOND: Humanism believes that man is a part of nature and that he has emerged as
a result of a continuous process.
THIRD: Holding an organic view of life, humanists find that the traditional
dualism of mind and body must be rejected.
FOURTH: Humanism recognizes that man's religious culture and civilization, as
clearly depicted by anthropology and history, is the product of a gradual
development due to his interaction with his natural environment and with his
social heritage. The individual born into a particular culture is largely
molded by that culture.
FIFTH: Humanism asserts that the nature of the universe depicted by modern
science makes unacceptable any supernatural or cosmic guarantees of human
any rights under the Constitution or the Bible are null and void, because there
is no God to grant them. The foundation of all totalitarian organizations, man
is god, and its leader is the highest god of all. You can see
this is atheistic philosophy, a creator does not exist, man is a machine
created by a random process of nature and will evolve toward a socialist world
government machine where there are no human rights, values, or freedoms – a
dictatorship with no God given rights, only privileges granted by the
strongest, cruelest, and fittest of the Democratic/Socialist mob. The Bible
warns this leader will be Antichrist the Counterfeit Christ. Hitler fully
supported this philosophy and asked Charles Darwin to allow him to write the
Forward for his new book. Darwin
refused because it would have exposed their conspiracy as part of secret
societies involved in the New World Order.
Scientists interpret everything to fit the religious belief in man’s logic and materialistic speculation. Time is god, Chronos another name for Satan the Idol of Humanists.
Chronos the god of time worshiped by evolutionists. Notice he looks like a Fallen Angel with Tammuz his son? He is also the god of death the grim reaper also worshiped as the source of evolution, with the cup of the woman who rides the Beast who make all nations drunk with corruption.
They never question evolution and long ages; and they ignore anything that proves them false. Computer technology says garbage in garbage out.
For example, I bought something at a store and the price was wrong. The checker said, no the machine is never wrong. It turned out that she had put in a wrong amount. Both your information and your calculations must both be correct. In other words both your assumptions of fact (hypothesis) and your system of science must be accurate to find the truth.
Since evolution theory has so many errors and evolutionists rely on it as a fact they come to a lot of wrong conclusions. This is why they claim that evolution is true science because it changes with every new discovery; they keep making mistakes that are corrected with further discoveries. Evolution speculation has been called “a fact of science;” it is the only absolute in scientific philosophy and it always leads to wrong conclusions. The problem is most of these changes in science would never have been necessary if they had been based on the real facts, observations, and repeatable experiments. And if they were confirmed by facts mentioned in the Bible.
Here is a witness to what I am saying. Evolutionist Robert Jastrow (September 7, 1925 – February 8, 2008) was an American astronomer physicist and cosmologist. He was a leading NASA scientist, populist author and futurist. His expressed views on creation were that although he was an "agnostic (believes in the supernatural, but not in the God of the Bible), and not a believer", it seems to him that "the curtain drawn over the mystery of creation will never be raised by human efforts.” True, only God’s Word can reveal unobservable facts, what we call the paranormal or supernatural (things beyond the physical).
Jastrow, Robert, God and the Astronomers (New York: Readers Library, 2000) 106-107.
"For the scientist who has lived by his faith
in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the
mountain of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls
himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have
been sitting there for centuries."
example, atheistic Darwinian evolutionists claimed for decades that dinosaurs
were slow cumbersome cold blooded poorly designed creatures that natural
selection had made extinct. And that they dragged their tails in the mud. With
more evidence from tracks and anatomy they found that the creation viewpoint
was more accurate. But it took decades before they would admit it. The tracks,
nests, and bones showed that dinosaurs were well organized, possibly warm
blooded, fast moving, very intelligent creatures well adapted to their
environment. Pete Larson, paleontologist of the Black Hills Institute in his
book Rex Appeal published in 2002 by
Peter Lason & Kristin Donnan suggested that Tyrannosaurus-rex may have been one of the smartest
creatures on earth. Now evolutionists cannot understand why the dinosaurs
become extinct. Or did they?
dinosaurs became extinct they are the only family of animals that did! All
others have living relatives. No, birds are NOT related to dinosaurs,
paleontologists who say this can not tell the difference between a dinosaur and
a canary! Ornithologists (bird experts) do not agree with the paleontologists.
California Fan Palm Washingtonia
have been noticing that several fossils I have discovered in California, like
the California Fan Palm Washingtonia
filifera fragments from a Miocene
marine fossil shale site in Corona California in the Santa Ana Mountains next
to Skyline Dr. had designs in the leaf that were identical to one growing in
our yard. And a whole leaf I found in Anaheim Hill’s Miocene marine diatomite
was identical to today’s fan palms of this species. Also, petrified wood from
this same palm is common in the Mojave Desert.
I saw many specimens weathered out of the Miocene strata near the Calico Early
Man Site. The palm reached its current form by at least 50–70 million years BP in
the Eocene/Paleocene according to evolutionists, making it one of the oldest
known of the palm family identifiable to taxon through morphological
characteristics of the leaves, petioles and other fossilized parts which is
still common today as a native plant. Fossils of this palm exist as far north
as Colorado, Wyoming
and Oregon
and it is the oldest known palm. In other words it did not evolve for about 70
million years according to evolution theory. And yet they also claim that it
was evolution that caused it to suddenly appear in the first place right after the KT
scientists do not believe in Darwinian Macro evolution from one family of
organisms to another, but some DO believe in micro-evolution, or adaptation. I
have been convinced by the evidence since researching for this book that both
are false! There is no proven Micro-evolution, except under the
guidance of man producing un-natural hybrids through breeding. There may be
some very rare ones in nature, but I have not seen any evidence. Where are the
Micro-evolutionary transitional forms between Washingtonia filifera and other genera of palms? I have not seen
any genus that is a link between a supposed primitive cycad palm (or any other
plant) which became the fan palm! In fact Botanist Dr. George Howe professor at
Master’s College, and Dr. Walter Lammerts on the staff of the Creation Research
Society confirmed my observations.
“In the spring of 1969, George Howe (Biologist on the board of The Creation Research Society) and Walter
Lammerts staked out areas near their homes in California for plant succession studies, in
order to discover any possible evidence for the establishment of varieties and
eventually subspecies, which would lend support to the concept of
microevolution. The results of studies through 1973, as reported by Lammerts
and Howe (1974, pp. 208-28), provided no evidence for the production or
enhancement of varieties or subspecies through natural selection. In fact,
under unfavorable and catastrophic conditions, natural selection apparently worked
to perpetuate the normal or more prevalent varieties.”
These are all domestic animals which includes plants.
You will never see a Panda mate with a Grizzle. They are similar but different and will never mate with each other.
Notice that all the examples of Micro-evolution are of domestic animals or animals in the wild that were effected by man's breeding they did not happen naturally. There are no natural hybrids. Darwin was wrong about this too it does not support macro-evolution from one kind into another, not even a similar kind or subspecies.
oldest fossils of the California Fan Palm indicate it appeared right after the
Flood of Noah, and supports the belief that the Cenozoic after the Cretaceous
KT boundary is Post Flood.
saw photos of a Jurassic cricket, and a Cretaceous cricket that are identical
to my crickets I raise as pets generation after generation. Then there are
sharks, lizards, comodo dragons, etc. that show NO evolution, Macro or Micro.
The only adaptation that occurs is when another subspecies, genus or family of
animals, insect, plant which have characteristics that cause it to thrive or at
least survive when they enter a new area. In other words, organisms were
designed in the beginning, and have remained the same throughout earth history.
Darwin’s Finches? Further observation after Darwin, shows these birds
have exhibited changes to size of their beaks in adapting to changes in the environment. But
these changes revert back to the original when the environment changes back
again. This is not evolution.
the Cretaceous New Jersey amber (secular date 90-94 MYO) - a
very rare ant Formicidae, myrmicinae
was discovered which is still alive today. There are several kinds of ants that
look different, different sizes, colors, and way of life. Some sting, some do
not. Some live underground, some in mounds, and some in wood. Some invade
houses, some don’t. Ant kinds eat different kinds of food. These ants do not
mate with each other, there are no links between them, and in fact the
predatory ants sometimes attack and destroy nests of other kinds of ants. How
could these have come from a common ant ancestor? No Micro-evolution here.
Rare ant Formicidae, myrmicinae with air bubbles (which show higher oxygen levels than today) in Cretaceous amber (Sap from Araucarian pine trees like those common in the Triassic Petrified Forest Arizona) from New Jersey. See any micro or macro evolution here? Looks like a typical fire ant. They claim that it is a rare species that is still alive today. There are all kinds of ants who eat different and live in different environments, and they attack and kill each other. There is no way they all came from a common ancestor - but they are all ants.
From these observations I came to the conclusion that
both evolutionists and some creationists are wrong about micro evolution. There
had to be two kinds of each of these on the Ark. Now it was not necessary to have all
kinds of dogs as an example. Man would create them by breeding after the Flood.
All God had to do was select a dog that had all the genetic variations in them.
This micro evolution was produced by man not found in nature, except very rare
occurrences if it happened at all.
For example the Kaibab and Abert squirrels which were isolated when
the Colorado Plateau rose and the Colorado River
cut them off from each other (See George Howe and John Meyer’s [1985,
pp. 68-78] research in The Creation Research Society
Quarterly). Evolutionists had given one a sub-species name, but it turned out
that the differences were superficial. Like the differences in individuals of a
given family of organisms enhanced by inbreeding. For example birds like
Finches have all kinds of different colors, but they are not subspecies, they
are all the same identical bird. Also all humans are the same species including
white, brown, and black. However, there is a question about geneic engineering
of hybrid species which are not natural.
Author’s Note: These squirrels also support the
conclusion that the Colorado Plateau did not rise before or during the Flood of
Noah, like some creationists believe. Then there would not have been
Cenozoic Post-Flood squirrels divided by the rise of the Colorado Plateau, Uinta Basin,
Uncompahgre Uplift, and the Paradox Basin in older Mesozoic Flood deposited rock which
rose during the late Cenozoic, and the cutting of the Colorado River after the Flood, leaving these squirrels alive today. In support of this is the
mid-Tertiary to
late Cenozoic aged lava found in these areas.

Above picture is a Kiabab Squirrel.
Lower picture is an Albert Squirrel.
have pondered a puzzling mystery since I was in Grade School and read dinosaur
books. If the Bible is true (And I knew it was), why don’t we find lots of
large mammals, human remains, ruins, and artifacts in the Mesozoic strata with
dinosaurs; and why don’t we find dinosaurs with large mammals in the Cenozoic?
In my research as I wrote this book I discovered evidence that shows the
Paleozoic and Mesozoic were deposited during the first part of the Flood of
Noah, and the Cenozoic after the KT boundary were formed by Post-Flood runoff,
and cataclysms 100 plus years later about the time of Peleg about 1980 BC and the Tower of
Babel where dinosaurs are never found. There should still be some evidence.
Some creationists claim, like I did, that mammals were faster moving than
reptiles, and were thus deposited in different strata, called differential escape;
but this would not account for the total lack of the mixing of these creatures!
This answer is still inadequate, there should be some mixing.
discovered that the fossils in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata (During the
Flood) were sorted by the differential speed of moving water/weight, biological
zonation, and by tidal impacts from different habitats. But the Cenozoic
fossils were different cataclysmic events, some local some worldwide at
different times during the centuries after the Flood.
morning I woke up with an inspiration! This could explain this anomaly. What if
before the Flood event, large mammals and men were on the
verge of extinction! At the time of the fall after Adam and Eve were evicted
from the Garden, the world changed. Animals became carnivorous and
dinosaurs and other fearsome beasts began to multiply out of control in an
environment perfectly adapted to their needs. My idea could explain why we find
more carnivorous dinosaur tracks than herbivorous ones. And explains why God had
to destroy all these enormous animals so man and weaker
mammals could survive. After the Flood the world had a drastically different
environment which was more favorable to mammals and herbivorous animals, and
unfavorable to carnivorous and enormous animals. Before the Flood the world
started out with a more perfect worldwide environment,
afterward it started out after the ravages of the Flood desolate and with
drastic environmental differences in different parts of the world created by
rising mountain ranges and severe weather differences. This fact could also
explain why man associated dinosaurs, which were called dragons, as symbolic of
Satan’s Pre-Flood world, and Satan who used a Dragon to seduce Eve.
of this is found in Genesis, where is says the future will be like the days of
Noah. In Revelation in the Tribulation Period it shows that millions of people
and billions of animals/plants will be killed, and if God did not return after
the 7 year Tribulation there would be no flesh saved.
evolutionists may have been right all along, there may have been an age of
dinosaurs, and an age of mammals. Because of these reptilian monsters and man’s
wars against neighboring cities, man against man, humans and mammals were
becoming extinct. The Bible says there was continual evil and violence. This
would cause both man and large mammals to become rare and would explain why
they are not found in the fossil record before the Flood. Today the New World
Order is doing the same thing, trying to kill off most of the earth’s
inhabitants to make them more controllable under the Antichrist, and so
Transhumans can live longer as gods without running out of natural resources as
discussed in the 2014 closing statements at the Builderberg Meeting. Also,
before the Flood men lived in small cities near water, which are still under
the ocean on continental shelves. After the Flood men and mammals multiplied;
on the other hand, reptiles were not well adapted
to the new environment, and men knew the danger of allowing these animals to
multiply out of control. Noisome beasts are mentioned in the Bible
as part of a curse on evil men.
Noisome beast means: “Noxious; harmful;
dangerous; as, a noisome odor; hurtful; mischievous.” Nimrod organized men and
became the mighty hunter to kill off the Dragons (dinosaurs), and built walls
around their cities, because they knew the danger of uncontrolled wild animals.
Then Satan used him to carry out his plan of world domination to replace God as
ruler. Nimrod used the same methods of world leaders today, using the fear of
real and imagined sources of cataclysmic events, terrorism, and shortages to drive men to accept his
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