Tuesday, January 26, 2016

NO. 4 (Read in this order) Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1

From my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 Chapter 1 Pages 9-12


Then we see volcanic rock. This too has to move rapidly as lava or hot mud. None of these are slow moving processes. Days, weeks, maybe months, but definitely not millions or even a few years. This observation is true science.

You could say well then the fossil record is of rapid events over long periods of time. If this were true, there would be large erosion surfaces between these layers deposited millions of years apart. Producing deep canyons. No where do we see surfaces like we see in today’s world, most layers are level with very little uneven surfaces. On these fossil ripples or tracks are sometimes found.


Even the surfaces between different strata like Cretaceous are laid sometimes down on top of Permian or other strata, which is considered to be millions of years older; there are no large erosional features like we see today! Sometimes two layers assumed to be separated by millions of years of missing strata are called paraconformities, which means they show no sign of having been a surface for millions of years! They appear to be one continuous deposition! These breaks for millions of years are assumptions based only on theory! This fact proves these two layers were in fact continuous depositions during one continuous catastrophic event! The Grand Canyon has many paraconfomaties, as well as most other exposures of the fossil record are commonly deposited as flat layers on top of each other with little uneven erosional features.
William R. Corliss, a collector, cataloger and writer on scientific anomalies, wrote the following regarding paraconformities in his book Unknown Earth, Glen Arm, Maryland: The Sourcebook Project, 1980 p. 219

“Potentially more important to geological thinking are those unconformities that signal large chunks of geological history are missing, even though the strata on either side of the unconformity are perfectly parallel and show no discernable effect? A possible though controversial inference is that our geological clocks and stratigraphic concepts need working on.”

A more logical conclusion is that these rock formations which are deposits known to have been carried by water and/or mud flows from other biological environments, which produce different assemblages of fossils, when the current changes direction. Evidence does not support the belief that these animals and plants are buried where they lived during different periods of history on the same spot where they are found today as fossils.


Fossil tracks are not found in every level of a sedimentary rock layer, they are always found on unconformities, temporary surfaces, often covered and protected by water deposited loose sand or volcanic ash. They are usually flat layers, and even tracks on crossbeded sandstone never contain larger erosional surfaces. The tracks could be hot volcanic mud flows, of natural mud that hardens like cement. Sometimes these surfaces are eroded by flowing water creating ripples, and mud cracks. These same surfaces with dinosaur trackways and their covering soft sediment are in turn covered by other hard rock layers of sandstone, mudstone, or limestone deposited on top. Some of these fossil tracks are often pristine just as if they had been made today. And today we know that modern tracks get erased in a very short time, and there would also be a lot more of them if they were exposed for very long. Also, we do not see tracks being preserved like those found in fossil strata today. Most fossil tracks cover hundreds of square miles, and are often associated with the bones of petrified animals above them. I myself found fossilized wood from trees, as well as shellfish, reptile teeth, and dinosaur bones above the Dilophosaur tracks near Tuba City, Arizona. Hundreds of feet of rock mudstone and limestone layers above the flat limy friable sandstone track layer were mixed with volcanic ash, especially the layers directly on top of the dinosaur tracks, which was almost pure ash in rainbow colors, probably from ash falls during depositional pauses. This is how the common outcrops of the Jurassic Morrison Formation appear as rainbow colors of light green, yellow, and red mudstone colored by iron in the volcanic ash. Fossilized dinosaur bones and wood are petrified by impregnation by volcanic silicon (quartz, natural volcanic glass), which are common in this layer of the Jurassic, Morrison Formation.

 This is Tuba City Jurassic Dilophosaur dinosaur tracks where I did research on putative human tracks found among these. I concluded that they were in a different layer over the track layer and were formed by nodular differential erosion. See my book where I explain my conclusions. Notice the reddish volcanic ash in the tracks left by the overlying layer which protected the tracks.

 This is another place maybe Australia. And below is volcanic mixed sediment covering dinosaur tracks.

My many observations at fossil sites confirm, that if there are no volcanic minerals, there are no fossils. Except the non-petrified fossils in the Post-Flood Pleistocene. I cannot remember seeing a petrified permineralized Cenozoic fossil. The closest thing to petrifaction in the Cenozoic are the Oligocene mammal bones in the Badlands of South Dakota which are buried in pink rhyolitic ash, but they are not petrified like the dinosaur bones in the Mesozoic probably because they were buried on land under ash falls, unlike the water deposited dinosaur bones in sediment mixed with ash.

 This is an extinct Oreodont and extinct kind of camel-like mammal, the most common fossil in the Badlands of South Dakota. I have several skulls from this animal in my collection.
 This is the pink rhyolite colored by Feldspar which makes it different from the Mesozoic beds containing dinosaurs. It is terrestrial deposited ash instead of water deposited. 

The road markers describing the formation of the volcanically petrified trees at Specimen Ridge in Yellowstone National Park Wyoming have been changed. The new markers describe a rapid burial and petrifaction of the trees that is more compatible with a young age of planet earth. The change was prompted by evidence from the Mount St. Helens eruption.
Some researchers think that an asteroid might have struck the earth forming the caldera that became Yellowstone. Yellowstone is a huge volcano. This volcanic field has recently become much more active causing all the geysers to erupt water and steam all the time. The heat has melted the asphalt in the roads in the park. Scientists believe it will erupt in a huge volcanic upheaval.

Here is a drawing of how the petrified trees are discovered in Yellowstone. They are upright but are not on he same level indicating they are not in growth position. They were brought in by mud flows of volcanic ash.


The official website of the Arizona Petrified National Park is at NPS.gov. There they state,

“Petrified Forest has two geological formations, the Late Triassic Chinle Formation and the Miocene-Pliocene Bidahochi Formation. Many ancient environments are represented within these layers.”

“The colorful mudstones and clays of the Painted Desert badlands are composed of bentonite, a product of altered volcanic ash.”

This is the unconformity between the Flood deposited Upper Triassic Chinle below made of green and grey volcanic ash, and the Pliocene Bidahochie above. The break is assumed to be 225 million years of missing sediment. Actually it is the boundary between the Flood and the Post Flood sediment deposited in Peleg's Division. It shows more erosion than normal, but sill doesn't show the deep canyons you would expect from a surface exposed for that many millions of years. 

These are petrified trees which were turned into colorful agates in pure volcanic ash in the Petrified Forest Arizona. They were carried here by mud flows without roots, pine cones, limbs, leaves, or bark.
This is odd, because this Late Triassic Chinle Formation in the Petrified Forest, strata goes all the way to Tuba City where it is found on TOP of the younger Jurassic Kayenta Formation. It left Triassic petrified wood on top of the younger Jurassic dinosaur tracks when the overlying layer eroded. I discovered this myself while doing field research there on the tracks for the Creation Research Society. This Chinle Formation also has small dinosaur bones and teeth in it, as well as Dilophosaur bones as well as Phytosaur a crocodilian. The Phytosaur is the index fossil for the Triassic and should not be found with Jurassic Dilophosaur. Both tracks and skeletons of Phytosaur have been found in this Tuba City area in the Chinle at Cameron. As for the Miocene/Pliocene which is found in the Petrified Forest on top of the Jurassic/Triassic, they are about 203 million years younger than the Jurassic without canyons eroded into it like the ones seen today in the Moenkopi Wash! Triassic is dated about 208 million years ago, and Pliocene about 5 million. Where is the enormous unconformity’s erosion surface?

This is confirmation that all petrified fossil sites are catastrophic volcanic events worldwide because most dinosaur sites as well as many mammal sites are made of bentonite. Secular scientists usually forgot to mention that bentonite is ash altered by being mixed with sediment in water.

To support this ministry order Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 and Part 2. Send $15 for one, or $30 for both to: Jeremy Auldaney, 3410 La Sierra Ave. – F255, Riverside, CA 92503. And pass this on!

To order my books from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=auldaney

Saturday, January 23, 2016

NO. 3 (Read in this order) Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1

Pictures 1 A Green River Eocene carnivorous fish swallowing a herbivorous fish, 2 Fossil jellyfish. They used to say the reason there were no transitional forms was because they were soft bodied. These jellyfish prove that wrong. 3 A dinosaur with soft body remains showing around the skeleton. 4 Fossil horseshoe crab died in its tracks. 5 An Ichthyosaur giving birth. See the fallopian tube around it. You can still see the remains of soft tissue around the mother. This shows that they gave birth to live babies. One fossil shows a baby swimming above the mother.
From my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 Chapter 1 Pages 8-9

All the different fossiliferous strata, Jurassic dinosaurs, large Pleistocene mammals, Permian reptiles, as well as marine fossil strata can be found on every continent on earth, with the same fossil bones and tracks in the same kind of flat rock layer. Each type of fossil is often found in a unique type of rock that is characteristically the same worldwide, with some exceptions. Also, all fossiliferous rock contains evidence of massive, sudden, deposition by massive floods of moving water, and flowing mud, with massive evidence of volcanic eruptions dwarfing the largest known today occurring on a worldwide scale!


Also, we know from observation that all fossil deposits are in sediment which has to be deposited rapidly by water. Sediment means deposited by water, and water does not carry sediment unless it is flowing rapidly. The larger the material the faster it must be moving. Aeolian deposits are claimed to be deposited by wind as sand dunes, but these deposits have mud cracks, and ripples, as well as cementation that could not occur in deposits on dry land. The moving water sorts the fossils and the surrounding sediment called the matrix. We also know that dead animals cannot remain on the surface without being destroyed by scavengers, and decay. So they have to be buried in hours or at most a few weeks. And we know that most fossils are replaced or encased by volcanic minerals or they would not survive even if they were buried rapidly. Except in the case of being sealed in oxygen free layers. But even then these fossils still need to be preserved by replacement (petrifaction), or by being permeated (permineralization) with volcanic minerals carried by water.

To support this ministry and research order my books Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 and Part 2. Send $15 for one, or order both for $30 to Jeremy Auldaney, 3410 La Sierra Ave. - F255, Riverside, CA 92503.

NO. 2 (Read in this order) Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1

This is copied from my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 Chapter 1 Page 6-7. It describes what happened when an asteroid hit the earth in our past in 2348 BC and again in 1980 BC time of Peleg, and what will happen in the future during the Tribulation Period according to the Bible and these scientists.

Chapter 1
Cataclysm in the Fossil Record

This book is a time machine in which we will get a glimpse of facts, events and people in history. Geologic evidence indicates that the earth was bombarded by asteroids. Here is what such an event would be like and scientists conclusions when compared to the events of geologic history.

Collision Earth: The Threat From Outer Space By Jason Jeffrey from New Dawn Magazine published 2004

“Recent computer simulations reveal that if a comet or asteroid hit the Earth on one side, the seismic waves generated would be transmitted through the planetary interior. By being focused on account of the Earth’s curvature, the waves would meet together at the location directly on the opposite side where the impact took place, and the high stress energy released could disrupt the surface area, causing a tremendous outpouring of volcanic activity. (Author’s Note: Could this have been the cause of the super volcano caldera in Yellowstone?)

“The air blast resulting from an impact would lead to large-scale and worldwide pressure shock waves oscillating the entire atmosphere and ionosphere, creating winds greater than the most powerful hurricanes ever recorded.

“By far the worst-case scenario is an asteroid or comet striking one of the world’s deep oceans. Some researchers worry the sudden
displacement of such large volumes of water across thousands of kilometers of ocean would affect the axis spin and polar stability of
the Earth, like adding an off-balancing weight to a spinning gyroscope. Even more disastrous would be a celestial object furrowed into the ocean at a more oblique angle. In this case the energy of the mass dissipates by pushing a titanic amount of water over a large surface area, creating a tsunami wave as high and large in size as to defy imagination.

“Fragments of the asteroid and earth hurled into space by the impact would rain down all over the planet, setting forest fires. The resulting smoke would further darken the atmosphere, plunging the world into permanent night. The temperature would plummet.

“Mounting hard evidence collected from tree rings, soil layers and even dust that long ago settled to the ocean floor indicates there were widespread environmental nightmares in the Near East during this period: Abrupt cooling of the climate, sudden floods and surges from the seas, huge earthquakes.”

To support this ministry order Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 and Part 2. Send $15 for one or $30 for both to Jeremy Auldaney, 3410 La Sierra Ave. – F255, Riverside, CA 92503. And pass this on!

NO. 1 (Read in this order) Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1

NO.  1 (To be Read in this order) This is a copy from my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1: Chapter 1 Pages 2-5. 
Table of Contents

Introduction………………………………….p. 3
Chapter 1 Cataclysm in the Fossil Record…..p. 6
Chapter 2 Paradigm Shift……………………p. 52
Chapter 3 Re-establishment of Civilization…p. 104
Chapter 4 Out of Place Fossils & Artifacts....p. 149
Chapter 5 The Great Pyramid……………….. p. 186
Conclusion…………………………………..p. 210

This book is the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy that knowledge shall be increased. Truth is stranger than fiction; I crack the false Da Vinci Code and reveal the truth about the Nephilim lineage. This book will turn your world upside down and will get to the bottom of things that have been hidden revealing the real History of the Earth.


The Truth is always upriver; to find it you must go against current beliefs.

I have discovered many things in my travels and research discovering fossils, fossil sites, meteorites, meteorite craters, archaeological artifacts, UFO encounters, and historical geology as well as library research and Internet search for obscure facts which all fit a unified picture of history. This book is a record of those discoveries. But while writing it, every day I discovered numerous amazing NEW pieces that fit the picture puzzle of world mysteries hidden from most people. I have found many shocking facts that have caused me to update and re-interpret my beliefs about this world and its history. I have discovered the answer to most of the unexplained mysteries of this world. Schools, universities, seminaries, books, and the media have passed on misinformation from ignorance and deliberate disinformation. We are living in an age of ignorance, which has access to all the knowledge in the world at our figure tips on the Internet.

No matter what you believe you will be shocked as I was, and will be offended at some of the things I have found as I was. But they are not my beliefs they are facts of history. You will also find conclusions you agree with. I have discovered in the course of organizing the thousands of facts confirmed from many unrelated unbiased sources of information hidden in dark corners of science, history, and the Bible.

The central Truth I have researched are two major facts overlooked, ridiculed, or ignored by most people, and I show how they are essential to
understand world mysteries, ignorance and disinformation of these facts has prevented people from understanding the Bible, and the facts of Science. No one could explain my theme better than Dr. Henry Morris. Here is his comment on the origin of the Giants or Nephilim which the Bible says caused God to destroy the earth in the Flood.
Dr. Henry Morris founder of the Creation Science Movement, and The Institute for Creation Research says in his book, The Giants of Old (Part 2), and The Genesis Record in 1976.
“The only obvious and natural meaning [of the designation, bene elohim ‘sons of God’]... is that these beings were sons of God, rather than of men, because they had been created, not born. Such a description, of course, would apply only to Adam (Luke 3:38) and to the angels, whom God had directly created (Psalm 148:2, 5; 104:4; Colossians 1:16)."
 “Whenever angels have appeared visibly to men, as recorded in the Bible, they have appeared in the physical bodies of men. Those who met with Abraham, for example, actually ate with him (Genesis 18:8) and, later, appeared to the inhabitants of Sodom in such perfectly manlike shape that the Sodomites were attempting to take these ‘men’ for homosexual purposes. The writer of Hebrews suggests that, on various occasions, some "have entertained angels unawares" (Hebrews 13:2).”
“It is true that the Lord Jesus said that...in the resurrection they ‘neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven’ (Matthew 22:30). However, this is not equivalent to saying that angels are ‘sexless,’ since people who share in the resurrection will surely retain their own personal identity, whether male or female.”
“Furthermore, angels are always described, when they appear, as ‘men,’ and the pronoun ‘he’ is always used in reference to them. Somehow they have been given by God the capacity of materializing themselves in masculine human form when occasion warrants, even though their bodies are not under the control of the gravitational and electromagnetic forces which limit our own bodies in this present life.”
Henry M. Morris The Genesis Record, pages 247-249 describes the Post-Flood cataclysm event in the days of Peleg ignored by most creation and secular scientists, and the continuing battle to save earth.

“"Peleg", used here means "earthquake". Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, MacDonald Publishing Company, McLean, Va., Hebrew Chaldee Dictionary, Page 94.

“Geologists today have generally concluded that the continents were once connected in one giant super continent they have named "Pangaea".

“Computer imaging has shown how all the continents appear to fit together. As an example the eastern shores of North and South America conform to the western shore lines of Europe and Africa. Geologists have named this the "Continental Drift Theory". They conclude that from the contour of the continents fitting so perfectly together, the rifts on the ocean floor and the present measurable movements of the continents that in the past, at some time the continents were one large land mass.

“All of these evidences lead to the conclusion that if the continents did divide this dividing could have occurred in relation to the division of the languages after the Tower of Babel. Possibly, some time after the migrations caused by the confusion of languages, when the people when sufficiently dispersed, God caused the continents of move apart. This would account for man, and animals being on the isolated continents of North and South America and Australia. There were people on the continents when they moved. It appears that God not only divided the people by confusing their languages, He also divided the land so the dispersion would continue. The division of the land
precluded that the people on earth could have physically come back
together had they been able to overcome the language barriers.

“It is also interesting to note that this event was some five generations after the Flood. Many of the geological mysteries which are difficult to understand in relationship to the Flood could be explain by a second world wide catastrophic event such as would be caused by the sudden global shifting of the continents. Great earthquakes, volcanic activity, uplifts, flowed and sinking of vast land areas and mountain forming would be expected to accompany such vast changes in the earth's surface.”

To support this ministry and research, order my books. Send $15 for one, or $30 for both to Jeremy Auldaney, 3410 La Sierra Ave. - F255, Riverside, CA 92503. Contact me at Auldaney@Yahoo.com for comments or questions. Or call me
(951) 235-5213. To order from Amazon go to: